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    Tuesday, June 3, 2014

    Jolla slashes €50 off the price of Jolla

    Jolla Smartphone

    Last announce with the Jolla Smartphone only 50 euro, But now is expensive.
    Jolla Smartphone
    Jolla's Jolla smartphone was launched back in November last year at €399. It wasn't off to a great start but it has managed to gather a massive enough user base that is getting regular software updates with new features.
    It seems Jolla wants to win even more users for to the Jolla's proprietary Sailfish OS. The company has announced a permanent price cut on its official online store. Now you can have the Jolla for €349, €50 less than its launch price.
    If you are into Jolla's exchangeable covers, also known as The Other half, you can get on for additional €10. Ready to get a Jolla? Follow this link for the official store.
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