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GAME TITLE: GAS GUZZLERS EXTREME + CRACKGame Devoloper/Publisher: Iceberg Interactive
Game Release Date: 8 Oct, 2013
Game Type: Action Games, Racing Game
Platform: Windows
Language: English
File Size: 4.83GB
Gas Guzzlers Extreme Official Site
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About Gas Guzzlers Extreme
Gas Guzzlers Extreme is car racing game release 8 Oct, 2013 by Iceberg Interactive. The Gas Guzzlers Extreme is Racing Dead. You equip the weapons genius on cars drive it and shooting. Gas Guzzlers Extreme: crack full game download is available at pcgamedownload.today!. That you can download Gas Guzzlers Extreme full version crack download free with torrent network or Download Gas Guzzlers Extreme direct single cracked Rar, Zip, ISO, Bin files from cloudfile. Gas Guzzlers Extreme download no steam, game files is cracked playable downloadable as single player or multiplayers no steam play offline via LAN.GAS GUZZLERS EXTREME: TORRENT
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Gas Guzzlers Extreme is a fast, furious, armed-to-the-teeth, trigger-happy shooter, shifted into top gear! Take a white knuckle ride in this crazily addictive combat racing game that features a ton of vehicles, weapons, upgrades, on-track bonuses and environments. Gas Guzzlers Extreme is an exciting new twist on the car combat experience with the addition of furious team/clan combat battles.Players start out with low performance vehicles and soon work their way up to high-performance models, by earning money in a series of hi-octane races and arena battles. New game modes, tracks and vehicles are unlocked as players progress through the game. Along with developing their driving and fighting skills, players can spend their hard-fought cash, customizing their vehicle to match their clan members or pimping their ride for the road to glory!
Gas Guzzlers Extreme is a combat racing game, released 8 October 2013 for Microsoft Windows. The purpose of the game is to dominate the tracks by racing and shooting your opponents off the road. The game offers a total of 7 race types such as Classic Race, Power Race, Battle Race, Knockout, Capture The Flag, (Team) Deathmatch, and Last Man Standing. Gas Guzzlers Extreme includes 18 different vehicles and 12 weapons that can be used on 40 tracks and 8 different arena's.
Key Feature:
- Combat racing at its best, featuring a blood pumping single player campaign with over 12 hours of gameplay.
- Fast-as-lightning multiplayer tournaments with 7 different modes (classic race, power race, battle race, knockout, deathmatch, last man standing and capture the flag); with up to 4 teams available in team play mode.
- 350+ miles of road across 40 tracks, 8 arenas and 7 different environments.
- 12 unique weapons, on-track bonuses and power ups.
- 18 customizable cars (12+ upgrades, color, rims, stickers, etc.).
- Multi-path tracks and sponsored events.
- Instant play with vicious AI Bots populating your multiplayer match while other players begin to join in on the fun.
- Beautifully displayed high definition visuals with extensive vehicle damage, motion blur effects and custom paint jobs.
- Full force feedback controller support as well as keyboards, joy pads, joysticks and racing wheels.
- Packed with tons of unique humor and personality.
Instructions for online play
- Running game:
- First I ran Tunngle (or equivalent) and go to your account and create / search room with players Gas Guzzlers Extreme.
- Run the game through GasGuzzlers.exe Game.
- Multiplayer (Multiplayer) -> You will see a list of servers that connect to anyone. / Either select "Join by IP" and enter the IP-address of the server.
- Create the server:
- Run GGDedicatedServerLauncher.exe -> Configure the server as you wish -> Launch -> In-Game Multiplayer (Multiplayer) -> Find your server and connect to it.
Server Configuration Details
Server configuration falls in the top menu, and the right button to save / add / delete configurations. Options -> General
- Name - The name of your server.
- Password - Password to access the server.
- Confirm Password - The password for access to the server (s).
- Port - number used for the connection port (3555 by default).
- Synchronization rate - sync speed.
- Kick timeout - The time after which an inactive client is kicked. users (seconds). Options -> Game
- Laps count - Number of laps for racing events, except KO, DM and LMS.
- Max numbers of kills in deathmatch - Max Kills mode Deathmatch.
- Max number of kills in team deathmatch - Max Kills mode Team Deathmatch.
- Max number of flag captures - Maximum number of flags that can be captured.
- Max deathmatch duration - The maximum duration of the match mode Deathmatch (minutes).
- Max capture the flag duration - The maximum duration of the match mode, Capture the Flag (minutes).
- Finish race timeout - The value of the reference end of the race, which starts after the first player to finish the race (in seconds). Timer is restarted every time the next player crosses the finish line.
- Max number of bots - Maximum number of bots on the server.
- Bots difficulty - Difficulty (mind) bots.
- Rubber banding - Mode friction of rubber (None - No friction, Arcade - Standard + friction with a first rank player receives 2.5 seconds duration nitro, and each subsequent player gets 2 seconds, Semi-Arcade - analogue Arcade, but the amount of nitro depends on distance between players and nitro uniformly distributed.)
- Team play - Team Mode.
- Freindly fire - Ability to harm friendly machines with weapons or bonuses.
- Randomize race type - Random game modes or not.
- Randomize track - Random track or not.
- Respawn in battle race - Respawn mode Battle Race.
Arcade mode - Mode Arcade. If enabled, all will have the same surface friction. Options -> Voting
- Allow everything - Allow any vote.
- Allow single / team play change - Allow voting for on / off mode team.
- Allow friendly fire change - Allow voting for enabling / disabling damage to friendly machines.
- Allow team car paint change - Allow voting for change coloring machines for the team.
- Allow player kick - Allow voting for kikane players.
- Allow track change - Allow voting for change tracks.
- Allow race type change - Allow voting for regime change race.
- Allow tournament restart - Allow voting for the restart of the tournament.
- Allow add bot - Allow vote for adding bots.
- Allow remove bot - Allow voting for removing bots.
- Allow bots difficulty change - Allow voting for change difficulty bots.
- Allow rubber banding change - Allow voting for regime change friction rubber.
- Allow respawn in battle race change - Allow voting for enabling / disabling spawn mode Battle Race. Race Types
Here are selected game modes. Left - all available options, drag them to the list on the right. Ie is the creation of a series of competitions. Tracks
Here are selected tracks for racing, well tolerated isch left side window to your right road. Messages
Messages displayed during the game players. Ie greeting or message at a specified interval.
Server console (available commands)
- Net_KickPlayer Nick - Kick player by nick.
- Net_KickPlayerID ID - Kick Player ID. The first slot 0 uses as ID, a second one, and so on.
- Net_ListAllMaps-Displays a list of cards that are registered in the database.
- Net_ListRotationMaps - Output cards that are listed in the rotation in the configuration file server.
- Net_SetCurrentMap ID - Specifies the current card with the ID cards of the order of rotation. See command Net_ListRotationMaps and Net_ListAllMaps.
- Net_SetCurrentRaceTypeID ID - Allows you to change the mode using the ID. The following ID: 0 - Classic Race, 1 - Battle, 2 - Knockout, 3 - Deathmatch, 4 - Last Man Standing
- Net_SetNextMap - Moves the cursor to the next map and a list of rotation maps. It is valid only when the game is in the lobby.
- If you have any problems running, make sure not to delete any antivirus key file - steam_api.dl.
- To create a server, you must open port 3555.
- When an error occurs, "point to the procedure ..." delete or rename the file steamclient.dll.
- Default language Russian. If you have problems, it changes to a file: ... the game folder \ Bin32 \ Skidrow.ini (specify in the relevant line Language = russian or Language = english)
- Save stored at ... \ My Documents \ Gamepires \ GasGuzzlersExtreme \.
- If, during the explosions and crashes the game freezes unpleasant, rename / delete files ... \ Bin32 \ PhysXDevice.dll and PhysXLoader.dll.
Minimum System Requirement:
- OS: Windows® XP/Vista(TM)/Windows 7/Windows 8
- Processor: Dual-core 2.0 GHz
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: DirectX(R) 9 Compatible Graphics Card with SM 3.0. (GeForce(R) 8800 Ultra or 4850 AMD/ATi) with 512 MB RAM
- DirectX: Version 9.0c
- Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Hard Drive: 12 GB available space
- Sound Card: 16 Bit Sound Card
- OS: Windows® XP/Vista(TM)/Windows 7/Windows 8
- Processor: Quad-core Q6600 2.4 GHz or Equivalent
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: DirectX(R) 9 Compatible Graphics Card (Radeon(R) 6850, GeForce(R) 560) with 1 GB RAM
- DirectX: Version 9.0c
- Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Hard Drive: 12 GB available space
- Sound Card: 3D Compatible Sound Card.
Buy GAS GUZZLERS EXTREME Original Game to Support Developer.
Gas Guzzlers Extreme is car racing game release 8 Oct, 2013 by Iceberg Interactive. The Gas Guzzlers Extreme is Racing Dead. You equip the weapons genius on cars drive it and shooting. Gas Guzzlers Extreme: crack full game download is available at pcgamedownload.today!. That you can download Gas Guzzlers Extreme full version crack download free with torrent network or Download Gas Guzzlers Extreme direct single cracked Rar, Zip, ISO, Bin files from cloudfile. Gas Guzzlers Extreme download no steam, game files is cracked playable downloadable as single player or multiplayers no steam play offline via LAN.