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    Monday, December 16, 2013

    Create Style 3D Text Effect Using Photoshop - Part 2

    7. Modifying the Shapes' Mesh Settings

    For each of the meshes you have, you'll need to select its name in the 3D Panel, then change some of its settings in the Properties Panel.

    Step 1

    • Mesh: 1
    • Extrusion Depth: 100

    Step 2

    • Mesh: 2
    • Extrusion Depth: 30

    Step 3

    Click the Cap icon at the top of the Properties Panel, change the Bevel Width to 5%, and the Contour to Half Round.

    Step 4

    • Mesh: 3
    • Extrusion Depth: 50

    Step 5

    • Bevel Width: 10%
    • Contour: Half Round

    Step 6

    • Mesh: 4
    • Extrusion Depth: 30

    Step 7

    • Bevel Width: 20%
    • Contour: Cone

    Step 8

    • Mesh: 5
    • Extrusion Depth: 30

    Step 9

    • Bevel Width: 15%
    • Contour: Half Round

    Step 10

    • Mesh: 6
    • Extrusion Depth: 30

    Step 11

    • Bevel Width: 5%
    • Contour: Half Round

    Step 12

    • Mesh: 7
    • Extrusion Depth: 10

    Step 13

    • Bevel Width: 10%
    • Contour: Half Round

    8. Modifying the Text and Line Meshes' Settings

    Step 1

    Select both text meshes' names in the 3D Panel. Set Extrusion Depth to 100.

    Step 2

    • Bevel Width: 7%
    • Contour: Half Round

    Step 3

    Select all the line meshes' names. Set Extrusion Depth to 5.

    9. Creating the Bump Texture

    The Bump texture will be used to create an illusion of the dividers separating the sections of the circles (rings) around the text. The white parts of the Bump texture will result in raised areas, while the black parts will result in flatter ones.

    Step 1

    Create a new 2000 x 2000 px document. Pick the Line Tool, set the Weight to 10, then create a straight vertical line in the middle of the document from its center to a bit out of its top edge.

    Step 2

    Double click the line shape layer to apply a Gradient Overlay effect, by using a White to Black gradient fill, then changing the Style to Reflected, the Angle to 0, and theScale to 90%.

    Step 3

    Go to Layer > Rasterize > Layer Style.

    Step 4

    Duplicate the rasterized layer, then go to Edit > Transform > Rotate. In the Optionsbar, set the Reference point location to bottom center, then rotate the line any amount you like CW. Hit Enter/Return to accept the changes.

    Step 5

    Keep repeating that process until you have a number of lines you like. When you're done, select all the line layers you have, and go to Layer > Merge Layers. Save this file but keep it open as we'll be duplicating the merged layer into a couple of different material textures next.
    (This will be referred to as the Bump texture/layer throughout the rest of this tutorial.)

    10. Creating the Materials: Mesh 1

    Before you start working on the different materials, make sure to load the METALS.grdfile from the gradients pack in the Assets section.

    Step 1

    Click mesh 1's Front Inflation Material tab in the 3D Panel. Then, click the Diffusetexture icon in the Properties Panel and choose Edit Texture.

    Step 2

    This will open the material's file which contains the shape layer. Double click the shape layer to apply a Gradient Overlay effect using the Brass Bz 11 gradient, and change the Style to Radial.

    Step 3

    Save the changes (File > Save) and close the file (File > Close) to go back to the original document.

    Step 4

    Change the Shine value to 90% and the Reflection to 30%.

    Step 5

    Select the Opacity folder icon and choose New Texture.

    Step 6

    Create a new 1000 x 1000 px document.

    Step 7

    Duplicate the Background layer.

    Step 8

    Double click the copy layer to apply a Pattern Overlay effect using the Basic Hex Mesh pattern from the Metal Mesh Patterns – Pack 1 file in the Assets section, and change the Scale to 25%.

    Step 9

    The White part will create transparent areas in the Front Inflation Material. Save the file and close it to go back to the 3D scene.

    Step 10

    Click the Opacity texture icon and choose Edit UV Properties.

    Step 11

    Change both the U Scale and V Scale values to 100%, and the U Offset and V Offsetto 0.

    Step 12

    Select the Front BevelExtrusionBack Bevel, and Back Inflation Materials, then change the Shine value to 80%, and the Reflection to 10%.

    Step 13

    Select the Extrusion Material, click its Diffuse texture icon and choose Edit Texture. Then, fill the texture's document with the color #543809, save it, and close it.

    11. Creating the Materials: Mesh 2

    Step 1

    Click mesh 2's Front Inflation Material, then click its Diffuse texture icon and chooseEdit Texture. When the file opens, pick any Shape Tool to get the shape settings in the Options bar.
    Click the Set shape stroke type icon, choose the Gradient fill, use the Gold 14k - Lgradient, select Reflected from the Style drop down menu, and change the Angle to45.

    Step 2

    Double click the shape layer to apply a Pattern Overlay effect. Change the Blend Mode to Linear Light, and choose the 3px tile pattern.

    Step 3

    This will add a subtle texture to the stroke so that it looks a bit more detailed. Save the file and close it.

    Step 4

    Click the Environment folder icon, and choose New Texture. Set the texture's Widthand Height values to 1000, then click the Environment texture icon and choose Edit Texture.

    Step 5

    In the texture's file, go to Filter > Filter Forge > Filter Forge 3. Then, under the Misccategory, choose the Sci-Fi Mega Metal 1 filter. Click the filter's Settings tab, change the Size, pixels value to 500, check the Seamless Tiling box, and click the Applybutton.

    Step 6

    This will create a high-contrast texture with chrome-like detailing. It will be great as an Environment texture, as it will create some nicely detailed reflections. Save this file but don't close it. We'll be duplicating the texture's layer instead of recreating it for some other materials.

    Step 7

    Back to the original document, select all the mesh 2 material tabs, then change theShine value to 70%, and the Reflection to 30%.
    Open the Extrusion Material's Diffuse texture, fill it with the color #736357, then save it and close it.

    12. Creating the Materials: Mesh 3

    Step 1

    Open the mesh 3 Front Inflation Material's texture, use the Steel Helmet gradient for the stroke, change the Style to Reflected and the Angle to 45.

    Step 2

    Apply a Pattern Overlay effect by changing the Blend Mode to Linear Light and using the 3px tile pattern.

    Step 3

    Save the file and close it.

    Step 4

    Select all the mesh 3 material tabs, change the Shine value to 70% and the Reflectionto 30%.
    Fill the Extrusion Material's Diffuse texture with the color #515151, save and close it.
    Create the Front Inflation Material's Environment texture just like you did in the previous step, except this time you can duplicate the sci-fi texture from the mesh 2 Inflation Material's Environment texture file instead of re-applying the Filter Forge filter.

    13. Creating the Materials: Mesh 4

    Step 1

    Use the Bronze Bz88 gradient for the mesh 4 Front Inflation Material's Diffusetexture.

    Step 2

    Apply a Pattern Overlay effect by changing the Blend Mode to Color Burn and using the Stucco pattern.

    Step 3

    This is what you should get.

    Step 4

    Duplicate the Bump texture/layer you created earlier in the tutorial, and place it in the center of the stroke you just modified, then change the Bump layer's Blend Mode to Soft Light. Save the file but don't close it yet.

    Step 5

    Back to the mesh 4 Front Inflation Material, change the Shine to 85% and theReflection to 30%. Then create the same Environment texture.
    Click the Bump folder icon, choose New Texture, set the Width and Height values to1000, click the Bump texture icon, and choose Edit Texture.

    Step 6

    Duplicate the Bump layer you added on top of the mesh 4 Front Inflation Material'sDiffuse texture to the file you created, and change the duplicated layer's Blend Modeback to Normal. Save and close this file and the Front Inflation Material's Diffuse file as well.

    Step 7

    Select the rest of the mesh 4 material tabs, change the Shine to 85% and theReflection to 10%. Then fill the Extrusion Material's Diffuse texture with the color#2a1a15.

    14. Creating the Materials: Mesh 5

    Step 1

    Use the stove pipe 185x gradient for the stroke, with the Scale value set to 200%.

    Step 2

    For the Pattern Overlay effect, change the Blend Mode to Linear Burn, and use theWhite Carbonfiber pattern.

    Step 3

    Save and close the file.

    Step 4

    Select all the mesh 5 material tabs, change the Shine to 80% and the Reflection to20%.
    Fill the Extrusion Material's Diffuse texture with the color #432d0d.

    15. Creating the Materials: Mesh 6

    Step 1

    Use the Brass Bz 11 gradient for the stroke, change the Style to Radial, and the Scaleto 170%.

    Step 2

    For the Pattern Overlay effect, change the Blend Mode to Linear Burn, and use theLight aluminum pattern.

    Step 3

    Don't close the file yet. More>>

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